´Tis the Season

Yesterday was a bit of a stressful day. When I showed up for my mentoring meeting with Pastor Marcelo he had another meeting they had booked at the last minute so we weren´t able to meet. This now means that nothing is planned for the VBS and it is less than a week away. I have a few game ideas and some potential volunteers and that is it. Now I have two choices I can get all stressed or just go with the flow. Guess I´ll just have to change my expectations again. That and a few communication breakdowns have me less then enthused at the moment.

Well, my roomate has a cold and now I think I´ve caught it. I feel feeverish and I have a sore throat. Please pray that this blows over before the VBS. It is winter here so I guess its cold season. Today is a holiday and since the bags under my eyes look more like suitcases than carry ons I decided to stay home. Thankfully that allowed me to finish a book report and catch up on e-mails even if it meant being anti-social.

Tomorrow is a full day as is Friday and Saturday the pastor put the 8 a.m. prayer meeting on my schedule again. I thought we had agreed that I wasn´t going to those, guess I was mistaken! That leaves Monday as the only day I can sleep in and not be at the church. On the bright side I am teaching an English class after the prayer meeting and the person said they would pay. The girl I´ll be teaching is a Christian but is currently fairly distant from church. Prayers for wisdom and guidance would be appreciated as we interact.

On the bright side I had a great quiet time today, ran into an old acquaintance yesterday and one of the girls I am mentoring at the church said that I have really helped her, praise God!


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