Funny feelings
On Sunday Pastor Marcelo preached about total consecration since that is the topic of the week during the 40 day prayer journey. God has really been speaking to me through the topics and I felt like I need to surrender a few things so I did. Frankly I have felt quite a lot better since then. I´m still not sure what all happened but I do know that it probably also has a lot to do with the prayer time they had for me on Sunday. After I finished singing my solo Pastor Marcelo had me stay on the stage and he shared how this internship has been rather challenging for both of us as we figured out that I am really more Canadian than Brasilian. The whole thing could have been humiliating if he hadn´t shared about his own missionary experience in Monte Videu. He only had 3 days left to complete his internship but he couldn´t stand it anymore so he took a bus and got the heck out of there. Once his story was over he asked if several women of the church would come and pray for me. So I knelt and then came and prayed over me.
I honestly feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel stronger and more enthused. I know your prayers have a lot to do with this. There are still tasks I have to do that I am less than excited about but I hope these positive feelings persist. Please pray that they do. A big thanks to all of you who have commented recently, it really makes my day. Other requests are the English class I start teaching this week (Wed. at 5 p.m. ), the visits on Friday and the VBS that will be taking place from July 14-18. We are still in the planning stages. Since kids ministry isn´t my thing please pray for grace and a continued positive attitude (as well as lots of volunteers!). Thanks again!
I honestly feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel stronger and more enthused. I know your prayers have a lot to do with this. There are still tasks I have to do that I am less than excited about but I hope these positive feelings persist. Please pray that they do. A big thanks to all of you who have commented recently, it really makes my day. Other requests are the English class I start teaching this week (Wed. at 5 p.m. ), the visits on Friday and the VBS that will be taking place from July 14-18. We are still in the planning stages. Since kids ministry isn´t my thing please pray for grace and a continued positive attitude (as well as lots of volunteers!). Thanks again!