Chain of Love

Boa noite! It is evening here in Novo Hamburgo as I write this and we´ve had a wet and humid couple of days. Made it through customs without a hitch and all the flights and connections were smooth, praise God. (For those of you who don´t know I´m in southern Brasil for two weeks translating for a Gateway team from Steele Heights at Chain of Love before starting my internship).

Being back has raised a lot of mixed emotions that I´m still sorting through. Life here is just so different and I´m definitely not the same person I was when we left here in 2001 (as obvious as that may be). Figuring out how I fit in and what role I have to play here is going to take some time. Have already had some good connections with the missionaries here, Chris and Ingrid Kid who I hadn´t met yet and it´s been really neat to see the Bayers again (they started Chain of Love) and Lyndell. My Portuguese is still pretty good and its fun to see the surprised look on the faces of the locals when the `American` girl addresses them in Porguese. :) I love Brasilian people and Brasilian food and in that sense I feel quite at home. Living in the multi-purpose building with a group of people and having people constantly coming in and out of our living space is a challenge. Prayers for grace and patience and a right attitude are appreciated. My cold is back and I´m feeling pretty worn down from finals and all the traveling so that is taking its toll.

Thank-you for remembering me in your prayers and thank-you for all the birthday wishes on facebook and orkut. I will post picutres of our adventure here as soon as my connecting cord (which I forgot at home) arrives in the mail. For those of you who know Brasilian food today we had black beans and rice and I´ve eaton lots and lots of mumu!! (doce de leite). The fruit is amazing and I realized I do like caci (persimons) after all.

Hugs to you all!


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