I released my death grip on the bar. Even if I did fall after a sharp turn the press of bodies in the bus would probably keep me from hitting the floor. The smell of unwashed bodies mingled with the smell of open sewage from the ´river´ (read open sewer canal/channel) that runs parallel with the road and flows into an actual river somewhere in Sao Paulo. All of this reminding me yet again that I am very very far from home. Today was hard that way. It wasn´t so much the sewer or the fact that I waited a half hour for my bus. It was really an accumulation of many factors. The lack of private space, the inability to get around efficiently and effectively, the fact that no one seemed to be placing a priority on finding a new place for me to stay and of course the lack of sleep, all of which led to a tearful morning. I was ready to pack my bags and head home. There is only so much ´otherness´ that a person can take and I´d reached my limit. Thankfully everyone was very understanding and I a...