Last days

Wow! Time has really flown. Today is my last day being the marketing assistant at Company's Coming. I've really enjoyed working here, the people are really great and the pace is relaxed. As usual I'll be missing the people but not the work. I'll especially miss visiting the candy dish in Gail and Blair's offices. Chocolate fix anyone?
Thank-you to those of you who have been praying about the health issues. I am feeling somewhat better. I went back to the medicentre last week with a pretty high fever and the doctor reassured us that the dizzines and other symptoms are just due to a virus. Apparently I caught a second one on the tail end of the first. The dizziness is practically gone but I'm pretty fatigued still. Would definitely appreciate continued prayers. Traveling when you are sick is no fun, but hopefully everything will clear up before then. Only 12 more days!
Now that I am done work I'm trying to do all the last minute things. Resting, shopping, packing and going for coffee are the order of the day.
I've also received quite a bit of info about camp activities and have a link for the hotel where the first two weeks of camp will be taking place. Check it out at If you want to read it in English click on the little British flag. As I look at other links the missionaries in Prague have sent me I'm getting excited and realizing how incredibly handy it would be to know Czech. So far I've figured out that Koupelna means bathroom and Pokoj is room. I've attached a picture of Pension Praha, the B&B I'll be staying at during my orientation in Prague.
Hope all is well in your worlds. Thank-you for your continued prayers.
Thank-you to those of you who have been praying about the health issues. I am feeling somewhat better. I went back to the medicentre last week with a pretty high fever and the doctor reassured us that the dizzines and other symptoms are just due to a virus. Apparently I caught a second one on the tail end of the first. The dizziness is practically gone but I'm pretty fatigued still. Would definitely appreciate continued prayers. Traveling when you are sick is no fun, but hopefully everything will clear up before then. Only 12 more days!
Now that I am done work I'm trying to do all the last minute things. Resting, shopping, packing and going for coffee are the order of the day.
I've also received quite a bit of info about camp activities and have a link for the hotel where the first two weeks of camp will be taking place. Check it out at If you want to read it in English click on the little British flag. As I look at other links the missionaries in Prague have sent me I'm getting excited and realizing how incredibly handy it would be to know Czech. So far I've figured out that Koupelna means bathroom and Pokoj is room. I've attached a picture of Pension Praha, the B&B I'll be staying at during my orientation in Prague.
Hope all is well in your worlds. Thank-you for your continued prayers.
I pray God's grace, mercy and protection over you. May this trip be more than you could ever hope for or imagine!