Going Out on a Limb

I'm not going to lie, this past year was hard. My theme was - Anything can happen, and pretty much anything did. Dad got injured playing tennis, Mom got cancer, Taylor University shut down, Amy moved out and moved back. I moved out. Dad went back to pastoring. Lots and lots of change. Many opportunities for trust and growth.

When I think about it I am not where I thought I would be at this point in my life, career wise, relationally, spiritually or even academically. Most importantly whether I hear God and how I hear God came into question. Which meant essentially that I lost quite a bit of sleep and a lot of head space for awhile there. Now I wouldn't say I came out unscathed or that I have any answers but there is something glorious arising from this all. Its the faintest blush of deeper character formation. The beginnings of being more like my best friend. I think I'll call these saplings hope and trust. Somehow in the midst of and after the turbulence of 2009 I have come out believing that my best interest is truly what is on his heart and mind. This knowledge is my firm foundation, the limb I'm going to rest on for awhile. So to a small degree I feel I have arrived, weary and care torn, but the scent of freedom is in the air and I'm beginning to enjoy the view. Maybe I'll even swing my feet.


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