
Yesterday I was responsible for staff devotional. I chose to have us reflect on what season of life we are in. We read Ecclesiastes three like we did at our last staff meeting and then I asked everyone to share what season they thought they were in and what they felt God was teaching them during this season. Then we broke in groups of two and three to pray. I wasn`t sure how it would go but everyone shared willingly and it was a great time of fellowship and team building. Answers included, `I am in a season of thankfulness` or `I am in a season of learning or restlessness.` I think we all learned a bit more about each other and knew better how to pray for one another as a result.
As one of the counselors from Projeto Ciranda shared about her work with victims of sexual abuse and how this really made her question God and His will this thought kept running through my mind: Who is looking after these leaders? My heart breaks for the staff here. Often their jobs are very thankless and they do not receive the support they should have. Later on in the day this was only confirmed as one of our staff called me into their office and shared how tired and discouraged they were feeling. We prayed and cried together. I felt privileged to help out even if it was just by listening. Please pray that God would help the leaders here at Vila Andrade by sending more leaders so their load is lighter; and, that they would have the support/care they need.
Speaking of leader care and support on Thursday night I had the privilege of meeting with Sepal`s director, Pastor Josue. Sepal is a Brazilian organization that minister`s specifically to leaders in ministry. (The American branch is called OC - One Challenge). Their values as an organization are excellent and I was impressed with what I heard. They focus on caring for and developing leaders. One of their missionaries is trying to recruit me but the director did not pressure me which was nice. It`s also exciting to know that their are organizations like this out there as I see God growing this passion in me.
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Fica na paz
(ahhh... achoq eu anotei seu email errado... rs)