
Showing posts from May, 2007

My head is spinning...

So for the last two weeks I've been struggling with dizziness off and on. Prayers about that would be appreciated. Apparently its a virus but I'm not sure. I have been to the medicentre a couple of times already. I've also been going to physio for some lower back issues and my physio doctor recommended another doctor who can help me with the dizziness if it persists. I could have positional vertigo or some such thing. Whatever it is I really hope it clears up before I have to leave. Last week I received my schedule for the summer. June will be mostly orientation and then I have 4 weeks of camp back to back in July. Its going to be busy! For the first week of camp I'll be working with the 10-13 yr olds. That's a really impressionable age so please pray that I'd be a good role model and that I'll have the energy to keep up with them. Still need to buy things like a rain poncho, batteries for my camera, running shoes etc. but I haven't felt well enough to d...

a thankful heart

I leave in exactly 30 days. Its hard to believe. I don't think it will seem real until I'm on the plane. Preparations are well underway. I purchased my Eurorail pass last weekend and the backpack sitting on my carpet is a constant reminder of the journey ahead. There are still a few more details to work out but almost all my support is in. God is faithful. Thank-you so much for partnering with me on this adventure. It would not be happening without your love, prayers, support and encouragement. I can hardly wait to see what God has in store.